Saturday, October 18, 2014

Response to Luke's Smartphone

In Luke's blog, he wrote about how our generation is so focused on using smart phones and technology that we are missing out on some of the most beautiful parts of life that come from living in the moment. He especially referenced a time during a concert in which he focused more on recording for later purposes, that he missed how incredible it was.
Reading this account reminded me of when this happened to me. It was my sophomore year of high school, and I saw my favorite band, All Time Low, for the first time. I waited in line for over four hours before the show, so I obviously was really close to the stage. I was so focused on snapping photographs that I didn't embrace the fact that I was literally just a few feet away from the bassist.
Because I was so focused on capturing moments for later, I missed so much of what was happening that moment, and now I only remember what happened during the times I had my phone put away.
I hope to do what Luke did, and see ATL the next time they do a US tour. They've been my favorite band since I was 13, and they are to this day. I want to put the phone away, and just sing along to the music that will always mean so much to me.

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