Wednesday, November 5, 2014


A blog about blogs -- this is a brilliant idea.

Blogging is one of the newest forms of journalism, and I appreciate that we study it in this class for the sheer fact that it could be part of our job opportunities in the future.

While at the Philadelphia conference, I actually went to a session about writing blogs and freelance journalism, and I realized just how important it was to the world of journalism: it's another way to expand our audience and (in some cases) make money doing what we love. The guest speaker told us to create a blog if we didn't already have one, and work on an e-portfolio to show to potential employers.

Blogging, for me, however, has been difficult, only because of a lack of new ideas. Most of my journalistic ideas go towards the Torch or other writing projects, and I want to come up with original things for my blog. It's hard for me to come up with creative ways to express a combination of newsy-feature pieces without taking ideas from my other projects.

I think it could be used for later classes, but I would make it either fewer or produce topics for your students to write on, that way, they can do it within the structure of the course and not have to worry about coming up with several creative topics.

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