Sunday, September 14, 2014

Race is But a Color

If you had no exposure to me other than this blog, would it matter to you if I told you I was Italian? Or that I'm Irish? Of Scottish descent? Or German?

Now, what if I told you I was black? How would you view me?

The recent issues in Ferguson and Beavercreek have sparked the issue of racial discrimination in the media, but what some students on this campus fail to realize is that racial profiling is an overlooked matter at Wittenberg.

I have several friends here who are African American, three of whom I consider to be my best friends in this world. And, sadly, one of them (who will remain anonymous for protection) has been a victim of racial profiling on campus.

Last year, she was walking back to her dorm one night when a male student called out to her and another friend with whom she was walking (who is also of African American descent). The male student made sexually suggestive comments, with racial slurs and slanders infused in his speech.

The truth is that our society perceives individuals differently based on their racial backgrounds. "White supremacy" is well known, and there is a blatant disregard for those of other colors. This disheartens me to a great extent.

To me, people are people, regardless of what color you are. If you're white, congratulations; if you're an African American, congratulations. You're a human being, and my friend, and that's all that will ever matter to me.

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